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Top 10 Best Technology Hacks Of All Time- The Top Ten Today

We all love using technology. Latest mobile phones with the best apps, best interface, speedy Operating system and all those cool features that come in handy everywhere.

But did you know that you can access a lot of the paid features or some secret features for absolutely free? Well, all the best bragging among your friends about these amazing hacks and tricks :)

So here we are counting upon our list of Top 10 Best Technology Hacks Of All Time that will make your friends go crazy.

Now you may buckle up as we're diving straight to the list.

#10. Whatsapp

                                     whatsapp trick

Undoubtedly the best IM available right now, Whatsapp is widely used and quite popular for making it all so simple and appealing. 

But if you really wanna discover the wide capabilities of Whatsapp, then turn to the mods like GbWhatsapp which allows you to customize your Whatsapp as you want and also add way many cool features including the read receipt modifications. 

Ever thought of self replying whatsapp ? Yes that can be done as well. Download this AutoResponder for WA Pro - Android Apps on Google Play and auto respond from your whatsapp ! 

Cool enough, huh ?

#9. Amazon

 amazon trick

Ever tried getting a phone or something from a flash sale on Amazon and got disappointed after watching “SOLD OUT” every time ? 

Here’s a trick that might help you out. On the sale day go to the flash sale page as soon as it is available. Try getting the name (id) of the buy button. 

Write a simple javascript using that id in the console window in Debugger tools of the browser which you can open using F12. use the setInterval and keep on making the button with id clicking every nanosecond. 

This way you will get your item in the cart as soon as the sale starts within the first millisecond.

#8. Amazon Offers

Who wouldn’t like to have a discount or having something for free or getting a cashback while shopping online? 

Many of us simply go to the site and buy the products at the same price as listed. But next time just simply google the site name + coupon codes and you will be surprised to find a lot of coupon codes out there. 

Even if you don’t find the one you are looking for, I am sure you will definitely find something useful. You can also subscribe to this cool site : Amazon Shopping Online | Best Deals and Offers for getting a lot of offers and some are real steal deals !! 

#7. Make Your Gmail Better

Rapportive is an extension on Google Chrome Store which works with your gmail and shows you a hell lot of useful information about your contacts right in your inbox. 

It shows details like their LinkedIn, picture, twitter, facebook, location, etc. You can even see their feeds. 

I make use of this to connect people on LinkedIn since I get emails from many recruiters and I make sure to connect with them on LinkedIn even without the need of asking/searching for their profile. I highly recommend using this plugin. 

Refer the following image and notice the right bar.

#6. Watching Movies

We all at some point do turn to our phones for watching stuff online but are sometimes kept away because we are not in the same region as the online provider. 

For example, the Indians are highly acquainted with apps like Hotstar but cannot really use it if they aren’t in India. Now what you can do is to use a VPN app which is as simple to use as to call someone from a phone. 

You can use any of the VPN apps available in the app store like Free VPN proxy by Snap VPN - Android Apps on Google Play and just set the location to the country that app is meant for. That’s it. 

Enjoy all our favorite shows and movies without a glitch from anywhere in the world!

#5. Facebook

                       facebook trick

We often blame Facebook app for eating our data and RAM with its heavy usage. If you are worried about that then use this app instead of Facebook app Facebook Lite - Android Apps on Google Play

It’s a lighter version of the original Facebook app which consumes less data and RAM. But the best approach would be to use Facebook in the browser of your phone (preferably Chrome with Facebook notifications turned on). 

Log In or Sign Up

#4. Greenify

increase battery life hack

I am quite sure most of you would be getting annoyed by the Battery Dead alert on your android smartphones. 

Even I used to be one like that. But then I started using this cool app called Greenify - Android Apps on Google Play and it has certainly improved my phone’s battery life. 

Even though most of its feature are for a rooted phone, the main purpose is covered even if you are using a non-rooted device. 

What it basically does is to force stop all the apps that you choose previously by its own on one click. Isn’t that cool ?

#3. Tinder

 tinder hack

I know many have been using this app from quite a long time but ever thought ho great it would be to get more than usual chances to swap or favorite users. 

We all get annoyed when the daily limit is over unless of course if you are a paid user. And if you are not read further. Go to Settings -> Date and Time and set it to Manual. 

When you are out of chances to swap, force stop the app, clear the data and change the date to the next day. And then open the app again. 

This will restore your swap numbers. Keep doing it as long as you want ;) Read more, don't go just yet and thank me later! Tinder: Tinder | Swipe. Match. Chat.

#2. Distraction-less

 It’s the toughest thing in this world to get rid of our phone. No matter how hard we try to stay away we fail eventually. But what if your phone starts getting away from you ? 

This is exactly what this ( OFFTIME ) - Distraction Free - Android Apps on Google Play app does. This app makes the phone such that it wont let you use anything and constantly reminding you that you have more better things to do. 

I use this all the time during my exam preparation. It is really worth. Some of the screenshots of this app area as below:

 distraction less app

#1. Free 1 TB Cloud Storage

How great it would be if a cloud drive gives you 1TB cloud storage for free for an entire year and also that you can keep the storage as it is after an year ? 

This is quite possible!

I have always been subscribed to Microsoft offers because they often have some tempting offers for the users. Once i came across one such offer last year and it said that I can get 1 year 1 TB free storage on One Drive. 

I signed up and bang I really got 1TB which was overwhelming. Look at the screenshot below: Microsoft OneDrive

 Free 1 Tb storage

But what followed next was even more exciting. Not only I got free 1TB storage but also got office 365 free to Install on 1 PC or Mac, 1 tablet, and 1 smartphone. 

Additionally they also gave 60 minutes of Skype calls every month - “Stay in touch with family and friends with 60 minutes of Skype calls to phones in over 60 countries/regions every month.” Refer the screenshot below:

 free 1 Tb Storage
So the trick is to immediately get subscribed to their products offer and when you find one, check the region of that offer, turn your account to point that location and then add your credit card info as well. 

Do not worry since Microsoft won’t directly charge you after 1 year without letting you know. And bam you will get these exciting freebies.

There you have it, Top 10 Best Technology Hacks Of All Time.

These amazing hacks are meant to be shared, so if you liked these tricks and hack then make sure to share them on social media with your friends and family.

Related Reads:
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You may also visit my other blog for life hacks, tips, tricks, motivation and knowledge about world, life and technology.

Also if you're someone who loves to bag great offers and have best deals for shopping right at their tips then do visit Rocket Offers and Deals.

And if you're looking for ways to earn money online then subscribe to us and join group of 1100+ people earning at least $50 a day from home through us.

Until next time, make sure to share and use these handy tech hacks and stay tuned for the next Top 10 Today list.

Peace Out!


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