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Top 10 Most Dangerous Things On Earth- The Top Ten Today

There are things on earth that may just kill you.
Then there are things on earth that may become your worst nightmare.
Then there are these 10 things that can do a lot more than just becoming your nightmare or killing you...

World is full of strange things, things that may become our worst enemy or the best friend. It depends on how we use those things or how they see us. These things may be the satanic creatures or even just simple harmless looking small bacteria, but they can create absolute dangers to mankind.

So here we are counting upon our list of Top 10 Most Dangerous Things On Earth- which can make our life a living hell or afterlives the wrecking havoc. And if you're someone who can't stand heinous things and their effects then You've been warned.

Now buckle up as we're diving straight to the list.

#10. Asbestos


It’s a deadly carcinogen, and exposure to it can lead to Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma, which is a disease where your lungs slowly fill up with fluid, eventually suffocating you. 
And the scary thing - this substance was once used in 3,000–4,000 everyday household products.
Legend has it that Asbestos was first found by a common man in Russia in the 1700’s. He found the mineral, and brought it to his home. 

His wife decided to knit him a pair of mittens out of the fibers of the Asbestos. 

Later, the mittens accidentally fell into the fireplace at the man’s house, but the mittens did not burn. This proved that Asbestos couldn’t burn, which made it very useful for building material.

In the 1930’s and 40’s, Asbestos was a widely used roofing material across America. 

It was just until 1940 that a risk for cancer from Asbestos was even considered, and by then the industry was thriving so much that it would take over 30 years to halt. 

The way that this deadly ore has affected millions of people across the US and the rest of the world is not easily matched by any other natural disaster, deadly bacteria, or weapon.

#9. Gamma Ray Burst (GRB)

gamma ray burst

Technically, the most dangerous thing on Earth doesn’t originate from Earth. However, the radiation that comes from it blankets the Earth. This threat comes from space. 

It can easily destroy the Earth and everything else in the Galaxy: It’s a Gamma Ray Burst(GRB).

Gamma Ray Bursts from very VERY far across the universe coat our Earth with radiation everyday. 

Fortunately, none of these bursts were close enough at the time to hit us with anything bigger than the Earth’s magnetic shield could withstand. However, one can happen closer at any time. 

In fact, it’s pretty amazing the bursts that have happened haven’t been closer.

Gamma Ray Bursts happen when two black holes collide or a super massive star or neutron star collapses. There are no shortage of black holes lurking around our galaxy. 

Further, they have incredible gravity and attract everything around them - including other black holes!

Notably, Gamma Radiation was also known to have caused Dr. Bruce Banner to turn into the Incredible Hulk, but there is a reason why it's only in comic and movies.

#8. Raoultella planticola

It’s a harmless bacterium that spends its life producing ethanol from dead plants, in fact its useful too because the ethanol could then be used as a fuel. Nothing wrong huh?

 raoultella plantico

Innocent and helpful Raoultella planticola was living its happy and normal life until humans became involved. We realized that, while the Raoultella planticola was doing its fair share of work, it wasn’t enough to fulfill our monopolistic desires. 

Since we already put so much work and effort into utilizing Raoultella planticola, instead of scrapping the idea and searching for a different alternative, we decided to genetically modify the Raoultella planticola and make it more versatile and efficient at producing ethanol. 

How did we do it?

Well, we inserted a plasmid from a different bacteria, Zymomonas Mobilies, into Raoultella planticola (the ethanol producing bacteria)’s DNA.

The results were spectacular, the newly engineered Raoultella planticola degraded plant matter super quickly, lots of ethanol was produced and there wasn’t really anything wrong and the biotech company was going to release it outside until…

A skeptic at the Oregon State University realized that all the experiments done by the biotech company was all in sterile soil, but what difference could it make?

The difference could have been the end of life on Earth.

That same skeptic tested the same experiments, but on ordinary soil. The genetically modified bacteria acted alot more differently than when it was in sterile soil. 

When the bacteria was in sterile soil, it congregated on a plant’s root but did no harm, when the plant eventually died it would start to degrade the plant matter.

However, when the bacteria was in ordinary soil, it didn’t even wait for the plant to die - the second it touched the plant it started to degrade it into ethanol, and then it would spread to the next plant, and the next but it didn’t take very long because soon there was so much ethanol in the soil that all the plants in a massive area simply died.

The Raoultella planticola didn’t have any major predators - and that wasn’t a problem because the bacteria used to be harmless. Now we have an unstoppable bacteria that killed plant after plant, rendering soil unusable, and potentially killing all the plants in the world, that of course would mean that all other life would cease to live.

#7. Hydrogen Bomb

hydrogen bomb

This is a hydrogen bomb. It has the capability of killing millions. It can be minituarized and armed on an ICBM. It's the only thing on Earth with such a capacity for destruction.

It's definitely the most dangerous thing on Earth. And yet, it has saved millions of lives, preventing nations from fighting out of fear of M.A.D.

Such a paradox. The most powerful weapon on Earth is also our greatest safeguard from war

#6. Variola Major aka Smallpox

 variola major

This virus, over its time in the wild, has killed about 300 million people!

This Virus typically killed 1/3rd of whom it infected, and death by it was gruesome. In a twist of irony, its most merciful course was its most deadly. Hemorrhagic pox led to rapid shock and death. 

Classic pox caused blisters that forced your skin off of the underlying flesh. In extreme cases, the skin would be completely ripped off, acting more like a pressurized bag.

This virus is (supposed) to reside at 2 locations, a facility in Russia, and at the CDC in Atlanta.
However, most people in that industry believe that other countries like Iran and North Korea have it.

Hold onto that thought.

In 2001 Australian scientists were experimenting with a close cousin of Smallpox, called (imaginatively) mouse pox. As the name entails, it affects mice. 

They were trying to use the virus to make mice sterile since they are a (pardon the pun) plague in Australia. They decided to put a single gene into the virus IL-4 Interlukin, a gene we share with mice.

It spawned the stuff of nightmares.

The modified virus rendered the vaccine used on mice for mouse pox nearly completely ineffective. It killed vaccinated and naturally resistant mice, shutting down their immune system in days. With a single gene…that we have

So NK, Iran, and other, generally unfriendly countries may have this virus. They can easily weaponize it, and remember what i said about that 1/3rd mortally rate?

Forget it...

We have NO NATURAL IMMNUNITY to this virus. We are basically in the same boat as the native americans when it comes to immunity to this thing. We have a small reserve of vaccine stocks, however it is a live virus, and cannot be used in the immunocompromised. 

Anyone with HIV or a organ transplant could die, as well as the young and elderly.

This virus could end human race!!!

#5. Clostridium Botulinum

clostridium botulinum

You might be thinking, “Oh great, another bacteria that could end millions of lives.” That may be true, if you took away the fact that it produces the most powerful neurotoxin ever discovered.

The Clostridium Botulinum produces an enzyme, known as Botulinum, which brutally attacks your muscles, ultimately leaving you paralyzed.

What’s more is that a tablespoon of this rod shaped pathogen has the potency to kill 1.2 billion people, or rather, 16% of the human population!

Still a little guy, right?

#4. Manchineel tree

It is the most dangerous tree on the earth. It is well known as ”little apple of death”. Usually found in America and the caribbeans.

 manchineel tree

Some Facts About Manchineel Tree…
  • All parts of the tree contain strong toxins, some unidentified.
  • Mere contact with the tree causes hours of agony.
  • The tree secretes a liquid known as sap and Standing beneath the tree during rain will cause burning of the skin from mere contact with this liquid”.
  • When eaten the fruit is pleasantly sweet" at first but, has a fatal impact on livings.
Symptoms if eaten..
  • Rash and headache to accute dermatities
  • Severe breathing problems
  • Temporary blindness
  • Skin burning

Many birds and animals are found dead around these trees. So these trees are now marked with danger signs or red cross(X) signs.

#3. Dimethylmercury


This chemical’s name comes from its molecular structure being of one mercury atom bound on opposite sides by two methyl ions, making it an ‘organomercury’ compound, mercury chemically involved with organic molecular structures.

Dimethymercury is particularly neurotoxic, meaning that it damages or destroys nerve tissue, brain tissue included. 

It is a colourless liquid at room temperature that supposedly has a sweet smell, but all concentrations needed for smelling are far greater than what will ultimately be fatal. 

Absorbing anything more than 0.1 millilitres will lead to severe mercury poisoning, and it gets easily absorbed within seconds through skin contact as well as inhalation.

Body metabolism produces methylmercury out of what is absorbed, and methylmercury easily crosses the blood-brain barrier where it proceeds to gradually seriously disrupt numerous important neural processes at the cellular scale.

The toxicity is magnified in how methylmercury is hardly excreted nautrally; the toxin is effectively given free reign to move about the place to slowly but surely wreck havoc. 

Poisoning progresses quite slowly in such a way that telltale symptoms only show up when it is too late to save the victim. This fatal process takes months to run its course.

#2. Black Widow

black widow

Have you ever heard of Black Widow? She is so dangerous that she eats the male just after sex.
How can you recognize them?

You can find a red hour glass on their back.

If you are in North America, you can pray not to find one. This is the most venomous spider in North America.

Their venom is reported to be 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake's, according to NCSU.

#1. Rabies


Do you know what follows after a person gets Rabies and doesn't know this because of absolutely no symptoms until the virus embeds itself?

No, seriously: if rabies is left to become symptomatic, then the prognosis is death. The other 31 people on whom the protocol was tried, died. Any other human who becomes symptomatic for rabies, dies. Any animal suspected of being symptomatic for rabies is killed.

The only hope of survival is a course of the rabies vaccine and (if the person had not previously had any courses of the rabies vaccine) immunoglobulins, as soon as possible after exposure and before the manifestation of any symptoms. Guide for post-exposure prophylaxis

If a person can be treated before the infection takes hold in the body, then they will survive. However, if the infection takes hold and finds its way into the central nervous system — which is when they “have rabies”, and when symptoms appear — then there is really only one possible outcome, and it isn’t a good one.

There you have it, Top 10 Most Dangerous Things On Earth.

These things are really not to be meddled with, because they can really produce some nasty effects that most of us won't like to see ever.

I hope you came to know some different and unknown facts and things and if you did be sure to share it with your friends and family to make them aware too.

Related Reads:
Top 10 Most Haunted Places In The World
Top 10 Creepy Unsolved Mysteries Of All Time
Top 10 Most Amazing Coincidences

You may also visit my other blog for life hacks, tips, tricks and knowledge about world, life and technology.

And if you do love shopping and getting the best deals and discounts or would love to earn money sitting at home then visit Rocket Offers And Deals.

Until next time be sure to avoid these dangerous things out there and stay tuned for the next Top 10 Today list.

Peace Out!


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