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Top 10 Creepy Unsolved Mysteries Of All Time- The Top Ten Today

Mysteries, cases, quizzes, puzzles what's common in all of these?
That if they remain unsolved they become too much complicated and dreadful for people and their thoughts.

UFO sightings, Alien-Human interaction, real Dragon Sighting, Time Travelling, Ghost proofs and many more complicated, intriguing and unsolved mysteries have always been all around us, waiting for us to explore them.

So here we are counting upon our list of Top 10 Unsolved Mysteries Of All Time where all these cases have been proved or witnessed by people.

These amazing mysteries will make sure to compel your mind to think about all this stuff so buckle up as we're diving straight to the list.

#10. The Taman Shud Case

the taman shud case

On the evening of the 30th November 1948, various people see a man lying on a beach in Australia behaving strangely. He extends his right arm out, and then lets it drop to his side. 

Other witnesses say they watched him for half an hour, yet they didn't see him move. The body was discovered the next day. And here's where it gets interesting.

The autopsy found his heart to be in normal condition, yet his pharynx was congested and his gullet was covered with 'whitening of superficial layers'. 

There was blood mixed with the food in his stomach. His spleen was around 3 times larger than normal. Surgeons were convinced he had not died a natural death.

In March 2008 a team from the University of Adelaide investigated the case. They found the letters of the code in the back of the book followed the quatrain format of the text itself, and suggested it may have been a one time pad. 

Researchers have been looking for a similar edition of the book ever since, with no success. A professor of anatomy examined the photographs of the man's ears, showing that the upper ear hollow was larger than the lower, a feature possessed by only 1-2% of the Caucasian population. 

In addition to this, dentists discovered the man had a rare condition named hypodontia, present in only 2% of the population. 

In June 2010 police obtained an image of the son of 'Teresa Powell', showing the son also possessed both of these features. The chance that this is a coincidence is between 1 in 10,000,000 and 1 in 20,000,000.  

#9. Curious Case Of Chip-Chan

the case of chip-chan

No one knows her real name or age. She was accidentally discovered in 2008 on an unsecured live webcam stream. Initially she was thought to be dead as she was lying in a very uncomfortable position for more than 10 hours. 

But then she moved and is being watched since then. She supposedly lives somewhere in Seoul, capital of South Korea in a messy apartment which also has a lot of posters handwritten in Korean.

She claims to have been abducted by a corrupt police officer "P" who has inserted a VeriChip near her anklebone and can control her movements, even make her sleep as and when he wishes. 

She rarely leaves her apartment and the camera is always switched on except on some instances. She claims "P" disconnects it when he comes to visit. She can be seen sleeping for unusually long time, more than 12 hours at a stretch and doing nothing except being online.

On her blog she says "P" might have abducted her because he thinks she comes from inheritance. She herself is unwilling to make any complaint as she fears the corrupt cop. Also, her plans to escape has failed as she falls asleep abruptly(made by him?).

Some explanation to her condition- She is a paranoid schizophrenic with narcolepsy suffering from hallucination.

Points against this theory- She is seemingly very comfortable being watched which is uncharacteristic of the disorder.Also narcoleptic individuals fall asleep for intermittent period and at random unlike her 12+ hour sleep sessions.

There are many sites dedicated to find out who is she, where is she, who is this "P" and how can they rescue her but with no luck.

#8. Who Found Speed Of Light

speed of light

Everybody knows the speed of light is 186,000 miles which is actually discovered in 1675 by Olaus Roemer. But Indians knew it long before that , the hymn 1.50 of the Rigveda on the Sun, says

tath¯a ca smaryate yojan¯an¯am. sahasre dve dve ´sate dve ca yojane ekena nimis.¯ardhena kramam¯an. a

Thus it is remembered: [O Sun] you who traverse 2,202 yojanas 

in half a nimesa. The units of yojana and nimesa are well known. The usual meaning of yojana is about 9 miles as in the Artha´saastra and for nimisha. 

The measures of time are thus defined in the Puranas:

15 nimesa = 1 kastha
30kastha= 1 kala
30 kala = 1 muhurta
30 muhurta = 1 day-and-night

A nimesa is therefore equal to 16/75 seconds. Now who have pen and pad in their hand can calculate this, it does come very close to the correct figure of 186,000 miles per second!

#7. The Alcatraz Prison Escape

the alcatraz prison escape

Frank Morris and Anglin brothers were prisoners in the Alcatraz Prison which is situated in an island with same name. The location was strictly secured by armed forces. 

Even if one manages to trick them out, the water surrounding the island was freezing cold that one would die within hours by hypothermia. They were sent to that inferno in the year 1960 for burglary, assault and their frequent escape attempts before. 

The prisoners had their minds set on an escape from here, once the warden said that it would be impossible to even think of it. Yes, he was right!!! Before Frank and Anglin brothers, 33 prisoners tried to escape. They were either caught or killed by the armed forces.  

This fact interested them very much. For two years , the three used various substances available on hand within the prison such as rain coat (for making a life boat), spoons & forks (for un-threading the screws) and even waste papers and hair to make dummies so that they could work at night while laying the dummy on the bed. 

Their actions went unnoticed. Such was their perfection. In June 1962, they successfully made it out of the prison, tricked the forces and used the life boat to cross the freezing water. No one has ever seen them since.  

The largest man-hunt search team was dispatched in an effort to find them but only in vain. Even today, the case remains open. The authorities were sure that they had drowned but no one ever found a body. Even the above story is a theory made up by the authorities of the prison.

No one knows how they managed this near impossible feat.  If Frank is alive he will be 90 years old. Frank had an IQ of 145 ( top 3% of the world) so there is only a minimal chance of making mistakes. 

FBI tried every single known option but found no proof to track them down. Because of this mysterious escape, the prison was closed down and now exists as a museum.

#6. Malediction Over Kuldhara

malediction over kuldhara

15 km away from Jaisalmer, a land beholds the relic of this village which vanished one night without any intimation. Kuldhara was established in 1291 and flourished in leaps and bounds with as much as 84 villages in its vicinity. 
Threatened by an evil diwan, people from this village left one night and cursed the land. All those who tried to take over the land died a brutal death.

#5. How Did Lal Bahadur Shastri Die

lal bahadur shastri

He died because of cardiac arrest, which was his fourth as per the doctors who assisted him during his Indo-Pak war ending peace meet; however his wife expresses an entirely different opinion on this. 

She says he never had heart issues and his body had blue marks which root towards him being poisoned. Just a day after signing Tashkent declaration, he died under mysterious circumstances.

#4. The Babushka Lady

the babushka lady

While people were pouring over the footage of the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963, a mysterious woman was spotted in the film. She was wearing a brown overcoat and a scarf on her head (a “babushka”). She appeared to be holding something in front of her face, like a camera.

She appeared many times in the footage and even stayed on the scene after most people left. Shortly after she is seen moving away to the East up Elm Street. The FBI publicly requested that the woman come forward and give them the footage she shot but she never did.

Even though frauds have come forward, today no one knows who the Babushka Woman is. We also don’t know why she was present at the shooting or why she refused to give up all of the evidence she was recording.

#3. Cicada 3301

cicada 3301

For the past three years, each January there is a bizarre, online puzzle game that is hosted by someone who calls themselves “3301.” Their symbol is a cicada. 

The complex puzzles draw on elements of cryptography, mathematics, literature, hidden messages, data security, and philosophy. Physical clues appear in places as diverse as Poland, Hawaii, Spain, Australia, and Korea. 3301 claims that its puzzles attempt to find “intelligent individuals.” They don’t say why.

Many believe these nearly impossible puzzles are a recruitment vehicle for organizations like the CIA or MI6.

#2. The Zodiac Killing

the zodiac killing

I like killing people because it is so much fun.
That is how one of the many encrypted letters sent to San Francisco newspapers began, sent by the man who called himself the Zodiac. For most of 1969, a serial killer terrorized Bay Area residents, killing five and possibly more. 

It started when a couple was shot to death while sitting in a car on a lover’s lane on Dec. 20, 1968.

Over the next 10 months, the killer would strike again, shooting a couple in a public park, trussing up and stabbing yet another man and woman near a peaceful lake, and shooting a cabdriver in the head.
The Zodiac killer toyed with police and reporters the whole time. 

He called in several of the murders and began to send coded letters to newspapers, using a cross within a circle as his symbol. At one point, he mailed in a piece of bloodied shirt to prove he was who he claimed to be. 

Another time, he threatened to shoot up a school bus full of children. The investigation went on for years. Several suspects were questioned, but the killer was never caught.

#1. Mystery Of Our Origin

13.7 billion years ago, there was absolutely nothing.


Then, the big bang happened and our universe came into existence.

starry sky

Thereafter, the Solar System was born.

our solar system

Then Earth came into existence: a ball of just land and water with no form of life on it.

our earth

Slowly, life started to grow.

dicovery of fire

Gradually, small discoveries began to be made.

invention of wheel

And now, this is the kind of development that we can see:

modern city

Today, people drive their cars without thinking of the marvel which they are sitting in. We don’t realize how perfect it is for us to have evolved into needing exactly what trees give out and giving out precisely what the latter needs.

We don’t realize Earth has timely rotated by itself when dawn breaks in, and how marvelously it revolves around Sun punctually.

Do you see how astonishing it is for you to even exist?

What is the biggest mystery?

How something so beautiful could be born out of nothing...

There you have it, Top 10 Unsolved Mysteries Of All Time that may really boggle up your mind.

Related Reads:
Top 10 Most Haunted Places In The World
Top 10 Amazing Coincidences That Occurred In Reality
Top 10 Strangest Facts About Famous Movies

I hope you enjoyed this amazing list of unsolved cases and mind boggling mysteries and if you did then make sure to share this with your friends to tell them about these mysteries.

You may also visit my other blog for life hacks, tips, motivation, tricks and knowledge about world, life and technology.

And if you would love to shop at the best prices available and want to bag the maximum discount online possible then visit Rocket Offers and Deals.

I hope your mind was also intrigued with all these mysteries so stay tuned for such next Top 10 Today list.

Peace Out!


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