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Top 10 Best Computer Tricks Not Commonly Known- The Top Ten Today

There are numerous ways to get appreciated by people, but the one that is usually the most effective is being a tech genius. You may not be, but you can be.

Many unknown and miraculous computer tricks are there which can not only make you look like Tony Stark in front of your friends, it can also come in handy for you in many situations.

So here we are compiling our list of Top 10 Best Computer Tricks that are Not Commonly Known, these tricks can surely be the key so buckle up as we're diving straight to the list.

#10. Know Up-loader Of Facebook Pictures

Photos downloaded from Facebook has naming convention like

Now if you want to go to the profile of the owner of the downloaded photo, just copy the number between first underscore and second underscore , so the number is

and you landed at the page of the picture on Facebook.
Give it a Try.

#9. Get Greeted By Your Computer

Do you want to be greeted like Iron Man? I know , You don't have smart Operating System Like JARVIS but your windows also can do this for you.

To do this , first make a file Welcome.vbs     .

Open notepad and simply write
    speaks="Welcome back Sir or anything you want."
    Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
    speech.Rate = -3
    speech.Speak speaks
and save it as Welcome.vbs
NOTE:- "-3" Denotes the rate of speech , you can change according to your choice .

It will look like this  

get greeted by your computer

Now check if it is working or not so just double click it, it will read the texts .
Next to make it work at windows startup every time for Windows 7/8/8.1 , just put this file to
C:\Users\<<Username>>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
Note :- You need to unhide the hidden files and folders because the  AppData  folder comes hidden by default in windows.

In Windows vista put this file at
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
Now on every windows startup it will greet you.

The default voice for the speech in Windows 8 is a male voice of Microsoft David. I you want to change it to Microsoft  Hazel's or Microsoft Zira's voice. 

To hear these voices and configure them, open Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Speech Recognition. In the LHS pane click Text to Speech. 

Here, you can control text to speech properties and hear each of the voices by selecting the voice from the drop-down menu and clicking on the Preview  Voice button.

You can also select the voice speed by moving the slider, the audio output and the preferred audio device by clicking on the Advanced button.

#8. Gmail Tricks

To open only unread emails , just type is:unread in search box .

You can also open is:starred , is:read , is:muted , is:chat .
gmail tricks

If you want to open unread emails from inbox only then type
is:unread label:inbox  in search box.
gmail tricks

For other labels just use label:spam , label:chats e.t.c  and You can combine the keywords according to use.

#7. Make Keyboard LED Dance

keyboard led dance

The LED lights of any Keyboard (Caps Lock Key, Num Lock Key and Scroll Lock). You can force them to dance using this trick. It is one of cool notepad tricks which you must try to have fun.
  • Open Notepad.
  • Paste this code in Notepad:
  1. Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
  2. do
  3. wscript.sleep 100
  4. wshshell.sendkeys “{CAPSLOCK}”
  5. wshshell.sendkeys “{NUMLOCK}”
  6. wshshell.sendkeys “{SCROLLLOCK}”
  7. loop
  • Save this File as <your-name>.vbs.
  • Now, whenever you will click this File, your LED light will simply dance.
  • Note: This may not work in latest windows.

#6. Shut Down Fake Virus (for fun)

 This works fine in Windows 8/8.1 as well, but looks much scarier in Windows 98/XP/Vista/7, with a countdown-timer to accompany it.

This is not a virus, this is just a tool to scare your loved ones. The computer will shut-down after one double-clicks on the icon, and can be started normally once again.

1. Right click on desktop screen, and create a New Shortcut.

shut down fake virus

2. The following prompt will pop up (on windows 8.1, but similar on all other versions of Window:

shut down fake virus

Now type in the following code in "Type the location of the item":

shutdown -s -t 20 -c "Write anything here"

The 20 is the time period in seconds. The computer will shut down after that time. It can be changed to any time period that the creator of the virus wants. 

shut down fake virus

shut down fake virus

3. Click Next, and wait for the following screen. Fill in the name of the icon:

shut down fake virus

5. Your fake virus is ready! Now, to give it an authentic feel, right-click on the shortcut and go to properties>change icon. Select an icon of your choice, and delete the original icon from the desktop.

shut down fake virus

At the end, it looks something like this:

Now whenever your unsuspecting friend will click on it, he will get a error message showing your custom-made message to him, and the computer will shut down after the pre-defined time period!

#5. Repeated Fake Virus (for fun)

This is not a virus, this is just a tool to scare your loved ones. A command prompt will open after one double-clicks on the icon, and can be simply closed again.

1. Open a notepad file:

fake virus for fun

2. Type in the following:

@echo off
echo virus downloaded
goto lol

fake virus for fun

Here is the code broken down:

@echo off = this must be at the beginning of every command.

:lol = this is just a name for a command. It can be changed: for example, :virus. But the : must always be at the beginning.

echo = This is what you want your command to say. For example, "echo HOW ARE YOU TODAY".  For this to work, you need to put echo in front of the sentence, otherwise it will come up as a system error.

goto lol = To know that we are going back to :lol (or :virus). This will basically repeat every command after :lol (or :virus).

3. You need to save the file as a .bat file

fake virus for fun

4. And done. You can again change the icon as you want.
If you wish to waste someone's time, can also edit the command as  follows:

@echo off
echo Please wait a moment. Don't close this prompt. A virus is being removed...
goto lol

The end command, when double clicked, looks like this:

fake virus for fun

It's a system32 file, so scares a lot of people.

#4. Look Like A Hacker

Type in color (any alphabet from A-F) or color (any number from 0–7). Each letter/number corresponds to a different color code. You can type in color help for more information on it.

Alternatively, you can also right click on the CMD icon and browse to properties tab and make the necessary edits.

look like a hacker

Image: color a (Green foreground, default background).

#3. Customize Windows Lock Screen Display

Yes, getting one of those fancy backgrounds for your Windows lock screen instead of the (dull) default one.

This feature is disabled by default. To enable it, open the Registry Editor by typing regedit in the Start Menu and selecting the regedit.exe item from the list.

In the Registry Editor, go to the following key in the left pane -


In the right pane, you should see a value named OEMBackground. If you don't have it, create one by right clicking on the white area in the right pane and selecting DWORD value. Give it the above name.

Now double click the OEMBackground value and set its value to 1.

Have the required image file ready now. The file MUST be less than 256 KB in size, and make sure it has the correct resolution so it doesn't look distorted.

Navigate to the following folder in Windows Explorer -


This should have a folder named Backgrounds. If it doesn't, create one.

Copy the image to the Backgrounds folder and rename it to backgroundDefault.jpg. If there is another file with that name in the folder, rename it to something else.

That's it! Now lock the screen and you should see your image as the background. No reboot is required!

#2. Data With Google

google data

Oops! Maybe, you didn't expected that. Remove passwords which you think, google should not remember or which can harm you if your account is hacked. 

Use this feature in a positive way. [This feature really helps me to remember my old passwords or password on a website which I don't access frequently. It saves me from the trouble of clicking forgot password.]

#1. Free Your Computer

computer not hanging

Does your computer hangs too much? It's time to free some unwanted spaces. Follow this simple procedures to clean some memory from your computer.

Start Menu > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Clean and select a drive. See all the options, check necessary boxes and click Ok. Follow same procedure for other drives.

Start Menu > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Defragmenter, select a drive and click on Defragment.

Open Run from Start Menu > Accessories > Run (or from keyboard by pressing start+r). Type 'temp' and click 'Ok'. Window will appear, select all files and delete them. Some files won't be deleted, just 'skip' them.

Same way, open Run and type '%temp%' and delete all files. Here also, some files won't be deleted, just 'skip' them.

There you have it, Top 10 Best Computer Tricks and Hacks that are Not Commonly Known.

I hope you liked this list of creative and amazing computer hacks and if you did, make sure to share it with your friends and family with the social share buttons, easily.

Related Reads:
Top 10 Best Laptops You Can Buy Today At Discount
Top 10 Best Technology Hacks Of All Time
Top 10 Best Ways To Become A Better Coder
Top 5 Best Ways To Earn Money Online

You may also visit my other blog for life hacks, tips, tricks, motivation and knowledge about world, life and technology.

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Until next time impress your peers with these cool tricks and stay tuned for the next Top 10 Today list.

Peace Out!


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