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Top 10 Most Mind Bending Amazing Films- The Top Ten Today

Everybody loves to watch films, some may like comedy movies, some prefer action movies, some go with romantic movies while some others like some out of the simple track movies.

Such not so much taken path movies are mostly out of the box, they appeal differently and they leave a different impression altogether. And when this is mixed with Science Fiction, the scene reaches new heights.

So here we are counting upon our list of Top 10 Most Mind Bending Amazing Films that are too hard to be predicted.

Below we have also links of our compilation lists of other generic movies like comedy, action and others. Now you may buckle up as we're diving straight to the list.

#10. Fight Club

If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?

fight club

Over  the time Fight Club has become a cult hit, based on the novel of the  same name by Chuck Palahniuk. This movie has some deep philosophy and it  questions our lifestyle as consumers. Different people have different  interpretations of the movie. 

Starring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton,  directed by David Fincher, this movie is a must see. This is my personal all time favorite movie of all the mind-fuck movies.

#9. Predestination

What if I could put him in front of you? The  man who ruined your life? If I could guarantee that you’d get away with  it would you kill him?


Like  the title says, the movie deals with the predestination time paradox. This movie is un-explainable, the best way to understand it is by seeing  it.

#8. Shutter Island

This is a sick fucking world we live in.

 shutter island

Brilliance is what happens when Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio  come together for a movie. Once again another psychological thriller  based on a novel. 

The characters are well-developed, has all the  elements of a good psychological thriller; sense of tingling paranoia, a  life infused with delusions, and a good mystery to blend your psyche.

#7. Donnie Darko

 Every living creature on earth dies alone.

 donnie darko

This  movie has a very loyal cult following. A teenage who is afflicted with  these visions to commit crimes, the teenager is troubled with his  emotional problems at the same time. 

The movie deals with the philosophy  of time travel, worm-holes, tangent universe and time travel stuff. 

The  ending of the movie is ambiguous, if you’re still confused about what  happened then do visit the various forums, blogs made by the viewers of  the movie.

#6. The Machinist

How do you wake up from a nightmare when you are not asleep?

 the machinist

In  my opinion this movie is one of the finest movies of Christian Bale’s  career. We know Bale is a method actor, but for the movie Bale lost 62  pounds! 

The dedication of Bale makes it a must-watch movie. Although  this movie is a bit depressing, it can leave you low in spirit. It’s not  for the faint hearted people.

#5. The Butterfly Effect

 It has been said that something as small as  the flutter of a butterfly’s wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway  around the world – Chaos Theory.

 the butterfly effect

Traveling  in past is something everyone has dreamt of, hoped for. But there are  some consequences when you travel back in time to change something. This  movie is a treat for the time travel lovers.

#4. Stay

There’s too much beauty to quit.


This is such an  underrated movie, it is a movie that will engage your mind, force you to  set aside the rational principles of understanding. 

And it will fuck  your mind. It is the type of movie which along with your time, also  needs an investment of your attention. The movie deals with the concept  of reality, illusion, and death.

#3. Inception

 You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.


I often ask  myself how does Nolan do it? This guy’s a freaking genius! Inception is a  movie about the world where exists a technology that allows you to  infiltrate the subconscious of the people. 

A large cast including  Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hardy, with the  music of Hans Zimmer makes it a must-watch movie of all time.

#2. The Prestige

 Are you watching closely?

 the prestige

Directed  by Christopher Nolan, starring Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, Michael  Caine, Scarlett Johansson, this is yet another Nolan’s masterpiece. 

This  movie is entertaining, beautifully filmed and some strong performances  by the actors. It’s gonna take your mind on a roller-coaster of twists  and turns, you’ll end up boggling your mind.

#1. Interstellar

 Love is the one thing that transcends time and space.


Science,  Cosmology, Worm Holes on the big screen, nobody could have presented it  in a better way except Nolan. 

The movie is about a crew of astronauts  who travel through a wormhole in space in search of a new home, to  survive. Like most of the Nolan movies you’ll need brains in your head  to watch it.

There you have it, Top 10 Most Mind Bending Amazing Films.

I hope you liked this list of out of the box plot movies and if you did, make sure to share it with your friends and family from the social share button on the screen.

Related Reads:
Top 10 Best Hollywood Comedy Movies You Must Watch
Top 10 Strangest Facts About Famous Movies
Top 10 Best Movies You Should Watch Today
Top 10 Best Movies You Can Watch On Amazon Prime

You may also visit my other blog for life hacks, tips, tricks, motivation and knowledge about world, life and technology.

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Until next time, make sure to watch more of such "different" movies and stay tuned for the next Top 10 Today list.

Peace Out! 


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