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Top 10 Amazing Facts About Physics You Wouldn't Believe- The Top Ten Today

Physics, actually without you even considering you used numerous laws and theories of physics while reading the word physics.

There are numerous branches of physics and most of them are used in our day to day life, while we are standing, doing some work, eating our food, sleeping or even when doing nothing. From waking up to sleeping down in our routine we are using physics everywhere.

Did you know that if you lift a heavy object for say 5 minutes, you're not doing any work according to physics. Maybe the time period was short, say you lifted up 40 kilos and hung it in mid air for about 1 hour. What about now? Still, no work!

Sounds crazy while you're sweating yourself up completely you're not doing any work. This is what is amazing about physics. And here we are counting upon our list of Top 10 Amazing Facts About Physics You Wouldn't Believe.

Now you may buckle up, as we're diving straight to the list.

#10. Light Rays Not Always Travel In Straight Line

light rays not straight

It is generally believed that light waves only move in straight lines. However, as per the recent research in 2010 using computer controlled hologram, it has been proved that light, too, can get twisted into knots. 

According to the study, when light passes through the hologram, it twists into different shapes, producing multiple knots.

#9. Water Can Move Against Gravity

water against gravity

Water can easily run against the gravitational pull when moving up narrow pipes. The process is described as ‘Capillary Action’. 

Water moves up in the narrow spaces without any assistance and against the gravitational force. This ability of the liquid proves that gravitational force can’t control the movement of every matter present on earth. 

At times, other forces (Surface tension, in this case) can defeat it.

#8. Time Stops!

time stops

According to Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity, the speed of light can never change—it’s always stuck at approximately 300,000,000 meters/second, no matter who’s observing it. 

This in itself is incredible enough, given that nothing can move faster than light, but it’s still very theoretical.

The really cool part of Special Relativity is an idea called time dilation, which states that the faster you go, the slower time passes for you relative to your surroundings.

Seriously—if you go take a ride in your car for an hour, you will have aged ever-so-slightly less than if you had just sat at home on the computer. 

The extra nanoseconds you get out of it might not be worth the price of gas, but hey, it’s an option.Of course, time can only slow down so much, and the formula works out so that if you’re moving at the speed of light, time isn’t moving at all.

Now, before you go out and try some get-immortal-quick scheme, just note that moving at the speed of light isn’t actually possible, unless you happen to be made of light. Technically speaking, moving that fast would require an infinite amount of energy.

#7. What's the hardest substance



There are new materials being synthesized as we speak. And chances are, by the time you read this answer, wurtzite boron nitride(currently the hardest substance) may not be hardest any more.

Here is wurtzite.


And here is another material harder than diamond, Lonsdaleite, popularly called the hexagonal diamond.


Now, a fun fact for the girls who may be wondering of jewellery looking at these two materials. Yes, they are used in jewellery.

Wurtzite ring

wurtzite ring

Lonsdaleite ring

 lonsdaleite ring

However, I would like to point out that the materials harder than diamond are synthesized. So;
  • Diamond is still the hardest among naturally occurring substances.

#6. Quantum Entanglement

Quantum Entanglement is a phenomenon where two particles are mysteriously able to communicate information (or at least appear to communicate) instantaneously when an attempt is made to measure the spin of one of the particles, regardless of how far apart they are in space, ostensibly implying faster than light communication, a violation of Einstein's theory of relativity.

Wait, what's spin?

We all know that the fundamental particles have spin, and that we can measure this spin (well, at least the Physicists among us do). 

Measurement of the spin on these particles can be done in any direction, and when you try to measure it in a direction that is perpendicular to the spin direction, you would expect to get spin up 50% of the time, and spin down 50% of the time.

spooky experiment
Spooky experiment

Let us imagine that we create two particles out of thin air, with some help from a little E=mc^2 magic. 

Conservation of angular momentum means that any measurement of spin on these two particles should always yield opposite results - you cannot have spin up on both particles. 

Let's say the spin of the both particles is aligned with the horizontal direction. Now, when you measure the spin of the two particles in the vertical direction using independent detectors simultaneously, you would expect to get the same spin for both particles 50% of the time.

But despite being repeatedly and rigorously tested in experiments, this has never been observed - the particles always have opposite spin! How does one particle know what the spin on the other particle is going to turn out to be? 

It seems as though the particles are somehow able to communicate instantaneously in order to avoid being measured as having the same spin. 


#5. Faster, The Heavier

faster gets heavier

 If you run really fast, you gain weight. Not permanently, or it would make a mockery of diet and exercise plans, but momentarily, and only a tiny amount.

Light speed is the speed limit of the universe. So if something is trav
elling close to the speed of light, and you give it a push, it can’t go very much faster. But you’ve given it extra energy, and that energy has to go somewhere.

Where it goes is mass. According to relativity,mass and energy are equivalent. So the more energy you put in, the greater the mass becomes. 

This is negligible at human speeds – Usain Bolt is not noticeably heavier when running than when still – but once you reach an appreciable fraction of the speed of light, your mass starts to increase rapidly.

#4. Moon Is Falling!

why moon does not fall

The moon is not mysteriously flying around the earth; it's actually constantly falling but missing the ground.  Look at Newton's cannonball thought experiment from his centuries-old book, where you launch a cannonball from a tall mountain. 

If it travels a short distance, it will fall in a regular parabolic arc.  But if it travels a sufficiently great distance, then it will keep "falling" and keep missing the earth because the earth is curved.  Thus we have an orbit.

#3. Why Sun's Hot

sun is hot due to its weight

 If the Sun were made of bananas, it would be just as hot
The Sun is hot because its enormous weight – about a billion billion billion tons – creates vast gravity, putting its core under colossal pressure. Just as a bicycle pump gets warm when you pump it, the pressure increases the temperature. Enormous pressure leads to enormous temperature.

If, instead of hydrogen, you got a billion billion billion tons of bananas and hung it in space, it would create just as much pressure, and therefore just as high a temperature. So it would make very little difference to the heat whether you made the Sun out of hydrogen, or bananas, or patio furniture.

(This might be a little confusing. The heat caused by the internal pressure would be similar to that of our Sun. However, if it's not made of hydrogen, the fusion reaction that keeps it going wouldn't get under way: so a banana Sun would rapidly cool down from its initial heat rather than burning for billions of years. )

#2. Future Affects Past

According to an experiment proposed by the physicist John Wheeler in 1978 and carried out by researchers in 2007, observing a particle now can change what happened to another one – in the past.
According to the double slit ex
periment, if you observe which of two slits light passes through, you force it to behave like a particle. If you don’t, and observe where it lands on a screen behind the slits, it behaves like a wave.

But if you wait for it to pass through the slit, and then observe which way it came through, it will retroactively force it to have passed through one or the other. In other words, causality is working backwards: the present is affecting the past.

Of course in the lab this only has an effect over indescribably tiny fractions of a second. 

But Wheeler suggested that light from distant stars that has bent around a gravitational well in between could be observed in the same way: which could mean that observing something now and changing what happened thousands, or even millions, of years in the past.

#1. Doppelgangers! 

doppelganger physics

According to the current standard model of cosmology, the observable universe – containing all the billions of galaxies and trillions upon trillions of stars mentioned above – is just one of an infinite number of universes existing side-by-side, like soap bubbles in a foam.

Because they are infinite, every possible history must have played out. But more than that, the number of possible histories is finite, because there have been a finite number of events with a finite number of outcomes. 

The number is huge, but it is finite. So this exact event, where this author writes these words and you read them, must have happened an infinite number of times.

There you have it, Top 10 Amazing Facts About Physics You Wouldn't Believe are existing.

I hope you liked this creative set of laws and theories of physics which completely blow the mind, and if you did make sure to share it with your friends and family so that they may also use something surprising for themselves.

Related Reads:
Top 10 Mind Blowing Facts About Mathematics
Top 10 Most Interesting Facts You Must Know
Top 10 Things People Never Use Correctly
Top 10 Mind Blowing Facts About Google

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Until next time make sure to apply and know more things about physics and stay tuned for the next Top 10 Today list.

Peace Out!


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